EVSS 2025 – Leading Vascular Scienceに参加してきます。 アブダビで行われる血管外科学会の学術会議ですが、今回は胸腹部大動脈瘤の外科治療とステントグラフト治療後の再拡大に対する外科治療に関して3つプレゼンテーションをしてきます。
I will be participating in EVSS 2025 – Leading Vascular Science, the academic conference of the Society of Vascular Surgery, which will be held in Abu Dhabi. This time, I will be giving three presentations on the surgical treatment of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm and re-enlargement after stent graft treatment.
This is my second presentation in the Middle East and North Africa region, following Tunisia last year. It’s always exciting to learn about the differences between Japan and other countries, including various healthcare systems and insurance policies. However, it seems that in every country, younger doctors tend to prioritize work-life balance and prefer less demanding specialties. As cardiovascular surgeons, we must provide education that inspires and gives hope to the rare, passionate young individuals who choose our challenging field.