
Open recovery procedures from TEVAR failureの発表でKACで行った91件の報告をしてきました。発表後、色んな先生が興味を持って質問もしてくれました。ですがやはり言葉の壁のせいで的確な回答が出来なかったのが心残りです。ステントグラフトが多用される中、このような複雑な手術をきちんと出来る施設が必要だと言われました。ロンドンや南アフリカから来られた先生たちからも今度おいでと言っていただきました。機会があればどこへでも私たちの手術を伝えに行きます。また現在海外からの当センターへの留学もどんどん応募があるので、枠を拡げています。現在3人の留学医師が当センターにおりますが、5つまで広げようと思うので興味のある方はぜひご連絡下さい。

I had the honor of delivering the opening lecture at EVSS 2025, presenting our experience with 91 open recovery procedures after TEVAR failure at Kawasaki Aortic Center. Many colleagues showed great interest and asked insightful questions after the presentation. However, I regret not being able to respond as precisely as I wanted due to the language barrier. In an era where stent grafting is widely used, several attendees emphasized the importance of centers capable of performing such complex open surgeries. I was also kindly invited to visit institutions in London and South Africa, and I am willing to share our surgical expertise anywhere if given the opportunity. Currently, we are expanding our international fellowship program due to increasing applications from overseas. We now have three international fellows and plan to extend this to five. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | タグ: , , , , , , | アブダビでの学会発表へ参加(続き) はコメントを受け付けていません。


EVSS 2025 – Leading Vascular Scienceに参加してきます。 アブダビで行われる血管外科学会の学術会議ですが、今回は胸腹部大動脈瘤の外科治療とステントグラフト治療後の再拡大に対する外科治療に関して3つプレゼンテーションをしてきます。


I will be participating in EVSS 2025 – Leading Vascular Science, the academic conference of the Society of Vascular Surgery, which will be held in Abu Dhabi. This time, I will be giving three presentations on the surgical treatment of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm and re-enlargement after stent graft treatment.

This is my second presentation in the Middle East and North Africa region, following Tunisia last year. It’s always exciting to learn about the differences between Japan and other countries, including various healthcare systems and insurance policies. However, it seems that in every country, younger doctors tend to prioritize work-life balance and prefer less demanding specialties. As cardiovascular surgeons, we must provide education that inspires and gives hope to the rare, passionate young individuals who choose our challenging field.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | タグ: , , , , , , | アブダビでの学会発表へ参加 はコメントを受け付けていません。



This month at KAC, we performed 52 open thoracic aortic surgeries and 9 open abdominal aortic surgeries. Among them, we treated 25 cases of acute Stanford type A aortic dissection and 4 cases of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm.

Notably, we encountered 4 cases requiring stent graft removal and 8 re-do surgeries.

Although I have gained extensive experience in aortic surgery over the years, this month reminded me that there is always room for my own improvement. At the same time, I feel a strong responsibility to train and support the next generation of surgeons.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | タグ: , , , , | 2025年1月の手術件数 はコメントを受け付けていません。



I had the valuable opportunity to present at the Winter Seminar. I participated in a panel discussion with my mentor, Dr. Yamamoto, and Dr. Takanashi, a leading expert in cardiac surgery. It was a meaningful experience to reflect on our lineage and to remind ourselves that the foundation of modern medicine is built upon the contributions of our great predecessors.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | タグ: , , , , , , , | 偉大な先輩方と歩む心臓外科の道 はコメントを受け付けていません。




カテゴリー: 未分類 | タグ: , , , , , , | 予定手術と緊急手術のリスク はコメントを受け付けていません。



Happy New Year! As the new year begins, I am ready to continue performing aortic surgeries with a fresh mindset. New Year’s Eve and January 1st are always extremely busy, and this year is no exception. We are now preparing for our third case of acute type A aortic dissection. Including the stent graft procedure performed late last night for a patient with type B aortic dissection, we have already treated four aortic cases since the start of the year. Sudden drops in temperature seem to increase the incidence of dissections, so we must remain vigilant.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | タグ: , , , , , , , | 【2025年の始まり】気温低下と大動脈解離 はコメントを受け付けていません。



Yesterday, in addition to two scheduled surgeries, we performed three emergency surgeries for Type A dissections. Over the course of 11 days, we conducted 24 thoracic aortic surgeries at KAC, including emergency surgeries for ruptured Type B dissections. Recently, at the KAS Conference, Dr. Hirokami presented that over the past five years, KAC has performed 63 surgeries for Type B ruptures with excellent surgical outcomes.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | タグ: , , , , , , , | 緊急手術が増えています はコメントを受け付けていません。



December is packed with emergencies, so we’ve been scheduling only one planned thoracic aortic surgery per day. Yet, by the 10th, we’ve already performed 20 surgeries.


大動脈瘤は自覚症状がないまま大きくなるため明らかな自覚症状が現れたときには大動脈瘤破裂や急性大動脈解離といった命の危険性がある状態になっています。 これらを予防するには破裂前の動脈瘤を見つけることが一番で、大動脈瘤の有病率が高くなる60歳以上の人は、最低でも3年に一度CT検査を受けてください。


カテゴリー: 未分類 | タグ: , , , , , , , , | 大動脈瘤による命の危険を防ぐには はコメントを受け付けていません。



Today at the KAC conference, we discussed a challenging case involving surgical repair of a pseudoaneurysm at the aortic root following a Bentall procedure with omental flap coverage. Dr. Yoshio delivered an excellent presentation, sharing valuable insights and references to various impactful studies. I learned a lot and am already looking forward to next Monday’s session!

カテゴリー: 未分類 | タグ: , , , , , | 難症例議論!KACカンファレンス はコメントを受け付けていません。


今日は、台湾から来たDr. Markの3か月間のトレーニング最終日でした。

Today was the last day of the 3-month training at our center for Dr. Mark from Taiwan. During these three months, he participated in approximately 60 thoracic aortic surgeries and had various experiences. His stay coincided with visits from surgeons from Thailand, Korea, and the Philippines, which I believe helped broaden our international perspective. I look forward to continuing to share experiences with him at our weekly conferences and strive for further improvement in surgical outcomes.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | タグ: , , , , , | 国際交流が生んだ学び はコメントを受け付けていません。